Fellowship - Halifax

The Peace With Women Fellowship brings together senior, active-duty, military officers from NATO member and partner countries for a 3-week executive tour of the political, military and technological centers of the United States and Canada.


HFX launched the Peace With Women Fellowship in 2018 because women’s participation and leadership in international and security affairs leads directly to more peaceful and equitable outcomes.

Important 2024 Dates:

  • May 8 (11:59pm ET) application deadline
  • June 29 notification of selected Fellows
  • October 29 Fellowship begins
  • November 22-24 2024 Halifax International Security Forum
  • November 25 Fellowship concludes


  • Active-duty female military officers from NATO and NATO-partner countries
  • Rank equivalent to army colonel or naval captain (NATO rank OF-05) or above
  • Oral and written proficiency in English (program will be conducted in English)

Funding by Respective Government:

The $30,000 USD program fee (to be paid by the government of the selected officer) is all inclusive of meals, travel and accommodation upon arrival inWashington DC until departure from Halifax.

Application Instructions:

Before beginning the online application, applicants should have the following documents ready to submit as one PDF attachment:

  1. Letter of Affirmation: to be written by the applicant’s commanding officer and answering the following questions: Why did you choose this candidate? What value will the Peace With Women Fellowship add to the candidate’s career growth?
  2. CV or Resume: to be written in list form and detailing achievements and responsibilities in the applicant’s military career.
  3. Professional Biography: 250 words or less.
  4. Essay Questions: to be written by the applicant using 300 words or less per question.
      1. Describe your current responsibilities and the scope of your accountability/authority (budget, personnel, etc.)
      2. What has been your most pressing leadership challenge and how did you address and/or resolve it?
      3. What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
      4. How do you think the Peace With Women Fellowship will help you progress to and excel in the next stages of your career?


  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.

The Peace With Women Fellowship is designed to challenge participants by engaging with senior government, military, corporate, and academic leaders to discuss and better understand the world’s leading security issues. The program endeavors to not only ensure that the Fellows can discuss  the problems and ideas they face, but also propose innovative solutions and apply what they learn in their home countries. HFX is proud to lead the security community with this unprecedented Fellowship program advancing women’s leadership in security, while fostering a dynamic network of women military leaders across the world.

The Fellowship begins in Washington, DC and travels to Colorado, Ottawa, and Toronto. The program concludes at the annual Halifax International Security Forum in Nova Scotia.

The program draws from diverse sectors, including defense, science and technology, media, academia, and civil society. In keeping with the organization’s goal of advancing a modern vision of security, the Fellowship aims to extend beyond the traditional definitions of domestic and international security. Fellows engage in discussion with over 50 meeting hosts. Some highlights over the years include meetings with:

In the United States

Former Secretary of State of the United States, Madeleine Albright

Former Secretary of State of the United States, General Colin Powell

Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks

Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, Dr. Heather Wilson

Secretary of the United States Navy, Richard V. Spencer

Center for Justice and Accountability

Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS)

Defense Innovation Unit

Electronic Frontier Foundation



Hoover Institution, Stanford University


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


United States Institute of Peace

In Canada

His Excellency The Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Her Excellency, Jaqueline O’Neill, Ambassador for Women, Peace, and Security

Her Excellency The Right Honorable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada

Minister of National Defence of Canada, Anita Anand

National Security and Intelligence Advisor, Office of the Prime Minister, Jody Thomas

Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada, General Wayne Eyre

Global Affairs Canada

Canadian Forces College

Citizen Lab

Defence Research Development Canada

Council of Canadian Innovators

Defence and Security Foresight Group

NATO Association Canada

Stakeholders, observers, and the Fellows themselves have declared the program a tremendous success. Learn more about some of the impact the program has had by reading the Program Reports.








alumnae participant

Colonel (Ret.) Kathy Graef

United States Army

alumnae participant

Kelly Case

Managing Director, Strategy for Humanity

alumnae participant

Irene Fellin

Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace, and Security, NATO

alumnae participant

Iain Patterson

Chief Information Security Officer, Well Health Technologies Corporation

alumnae participant

Renée Filiatrault

Former Director of Communications, Minister of National Defence; Advisory Board, Network for Strategic Analysis on Defence and Security Canada

The Fellowship brings together a group of diverse and accomplished senior officers from NATO member and partner countries. All Fellows are senior ranking active-duty officers and represent varying branches of the military with a broad spectrum of responsibilities. Halifax International Security Forum is proud to have a distinguished network of Fellowship alumnae.
alumnae participant

Group Captain Carol Abraham

Director Strategic Programmes, Royal New Zealand Air Force, New Zealand, 2020

alumnae participant

Air Commodore Jules Adams

Commandant, Australian Defence Force Academy, Australian Defence Force, 2018

alumnae participant

Colonel Dr. Lale Bartoschek

Chief of Branch Recruitment, Federal Ministry of Defence, German Armed Forces, 2019

alumnae participant

Colonel Dr. Cordula Becker Ebert

Chief of Branch Public Health, Federal Ministry of Defense, German Armed Forces, Germany, 2022

alumnae participant

Colonel Biljana Blazheska

Military Adjutant to the President, Armed Forces of the Republic of North Macedonia, North Macedonia, 2021

alumnae participant

Colonel Krista Bouckaert

Director of Canadian Forces Grievance Authority, Department of National Defence, Canada, 2021

alumnae participant

Brigadier General Catherine Bourdès

Deputy Director of French Higher Military Education, Directorate for Higher Military Studies, France, 2021

alumnae participant

Colonel Katherine Branson

Wing Commander, Air Force Technical Applications Center, United States Air Force, United States, 2020

alumnae participant

Colonel Erica Bridge

Assistant Chief of Staff Information Operations and Targeting, 1 German- Netherlands Corps (NATO), British Army, United Kingdom, 2023

alumnae participant

Captain Peggy Britton

Executive Assistant, DHS Joint Task Force- East, United States Coast Guard, United States, 2020

alumnae participant

Colonel Catherine Busch

Finance Deputy, Aeronautics Maintenance Directory, French Army, France, 2020

alumnae participant

Colonel Julie Callacott

Canadian Forces Intelligence Command Assistant Chief of Staff Support, Royal Canadian Air Force, Canada, 2022

alumnae participant

Colonel Erica Cameron

Strategist, United States Army, United States, 2023

alumnae participant

Colonel Jennifer de Poorter

G3 of the Operational Headquarters, Royal Marechaussee, Netherlands, 2021

alumnae participant

Group Captain Louise desJardins

Director Joint Effects/J3E, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia, 2021

alumnae participant

Captain Cécile Dumont-Dayot

Naval Air Base Commanding Officer, French Navy, France, 2022

alumnae participant

Commodore Rachel Durbin

Director, General Engineering, Royal Australian Navy, Australia, 2019

alumnae participant

Colonel Rejanne Eimers-van Nes

Commander, Personnel Logistics, Royal Netherlands Army, Netherlands, 2020

alumnae participant

Colonel Erinç Evren Elmas

Colonel, Cost Analysis Commission Leader, Air Logistics Command, Turkish Air Force, Turkey, 2021

alumnae participant

Brigadier General Lisa Ferris

Director, Defence Legal Services, New Zealand Defence Forces, New Zealand, 2019

alumnae participant

Brigadier General Ingrid Gjerde

Spokesperson for the Chief of Defence, Ministry of Defence, Norway, 2018

alumnae participant

Colonel (Ret.) Katherine Graef

Logistics Director, Special Operations Command Africa, United States Special Operations Command, United States, 2018

alumnae participant

Group Captain Leah Griffin

Group Captain Recruitment and Selection, Royal Air Force, United Kingdom, 2022

alumnae participant

Colonel Ivana Gutzelnig

Director, Military Centre of Aviation Medicine, Slovak Air Force. Slovak Republic, 2020

alumnae participant

Colonel Sarah Heer

Special Advisor to the Commander, Canadian Army, Canada, 2023

alumnae participant

Colonel Randi Åste Huse

Director of Staff, Norwegian Joint Headquarters, Norwegian Army, Norway, 2023

alumnae participant

Lieutenant Colonel Inga Jancevičienė

Chief of Joint Medical Department of Defence Staff, Lithuanian Armed Forces, Lithuania, 2022

alumnae participant

Group Captain Hannah Jude-Smith

Assistant Air and Space Attaché, Australian Embassy, Washington, DC, Royal Australian Air Force, Australia, 2023

alumnae participant

Brigadier General Rose King

Director, Strategic Commitments, New Zealand Defence Forces, New Zealand, 2018

alumnae participant

Colonel Lina Kongshavn

National Liaison Representative to NATO ACT, Royal Norwegian Air Force, Norway, 2022

alumnae participant

Colonel Stephanie Krause

Commander, Medical Regiment No 1, German Armed Forces, Germany, 2020

alumnae participant

Commodore Solveig Krey

Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations Section, Defence Staff Norway, Norwegian Armed Forces, Norway, 2019

alumnae participant

Colonel Vehbije Qazim Kuti

Section Head/Deputy Director, Albania General Staff, Albanian Armed Forces, Albania, 2018

alumnae participant

Colonel Kalliroi Landry

Chief, Support Cell, U.S. Space Force, United States, 2023

alumnae participant

Commodore Maxine Lawes

Logistics Commander Maritime, Royal New Zealand Navy, New Zealand, 2023

alumnae participant

Colonel Katherine Lee

Assistant Chief of Army (Delivery), New Zealand Defence Force, New Zealand, 2021

alumnae participant

Colonel Solène Le Floch

Staff Officer, Peformance Control, Joint Headquarters, French Armed Forces, France, 2019

alumnae participant

Colonel Geneviève Lehoux

Commander, RCAF Aerospace Warfare Center, Canadian Air Force, Canada, 2020

alumnae participant

Colonel Lene Lillelund

Branch Chief of Concepts and Capabilities, Plans and Capabilities Division, Danish Army, Denmark, 2020

alumnae participant

Brigadier General Debra Lovette

Director, Integrated Resilience, HQ, United States Air Force, United States, 2019

alumnae participant

Captain Jill Marrack

CAF Special Advisor to Sexual Misconduct Response Centre, Canadian Armed Forces, Canada, 2018

alumnae participant

Colonel Lysane Martel

Director, RCAF Professional Development, 2nd Canadian Air Division, Royal Canadian Air Force, Canada, 2019

alumnae participant

Captain Fiona McNaught

Director, Fleet Logisitics, Australian Navy, Australia, 2020

alumnae participant

Lieutenant Colonel Beatriz Melendez Langunilla

Battalion Commander, Army Engineers Signal & Sappers Academy, Spanish Navy, Spain 2020

alumnae participant

Lieutenant Colonel Monika Mertinaitė

Senior Advisor, Defense Policy Group, Ministry of National Defense, Lithuania, 2021

alumnae participant

Lieutenant Colonel Diana Morais

Chair NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives & Head of the Gender Equality Office PT MoD, Portugal, 2021

alumnae participant

Colonel Victoria Moorhouse

Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff Medical, Headquarters Field Army, British Army, United Kingdom, 2020

alumnae participant

Colonel (Ret.) Tracy Onufer

Chief of Staff, Special Operations Command South, United States Air Force, United States, 2019

alumnae participant

Lieutenant General Elanor Boekholt-O’Sullivan

Deputy Policy Director, Netherlands Armed Forces, Netherlands, 2019

alumnae participant

Colonel Nicole Petrucci

Operations Research Analyst, United States Space Force, United States, 2022

alumnae participant

Lieutenant Colonel Joana Polekauskienė

Senior Instructor, General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, Lithuanian Armed Forces, Lithuania, 2019

alumnae participant

Major General Dr. Nicole Schilling

Vice President, Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management, German Armed Forces, Germany, 2018

alumnae participant

Major General Germaine Seewer

Commandant, Armed Forces College; Deputy Chief, Training and Education Command, Swiss Air Force, Switzerland, 2020

alumnae participant

Commodore Fiona Shepherd

Assistant Chief of Staff J1/J4, Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ), British Royal Navy, United Kingdom, 2019

alumnae participant

Air Commodore Saskia Siemensma

Director of Innovation and Information, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Netherlands, 2023

alumnae participant

Colonel Anna Siverstig

Commanding Officer, Swedish Air Warfare Center, Swedish Air Force, Sweden, 2021

alumnae participant

Brigadier General Sylvia-Carolina Sperandio

Director Military Health Services, Military Health Services, Austria, 2022

alumnae participant

Captain Cathrin Streier

Director, Major Medical Support Centre, Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service, Germany, 2023

alumnae participant

Colonel Jenny Ström

Commanding Officer 3rd Naval Warfare Flotilla, Swedish Navy, Sweden, 2022

alumnae participant

Brigadier General Rebecca Talbot

Australian Armed Forces, Australia, 2022

alumnae participant

Rear Admiral (Sel) Judith Terry

Deputy Director People, British Royal Navy, United Kingdom, 2021

alumnae participant

Colonel Lara Troy

Commander Joint Movements, Australian Army, Australia, 2022

alumnae participant

Captain Caroline Verberne

Head of the Policy Control (Department Directorate of Finance and Control) Royal Netherlands Navy, Netherlands, 2022

alumnae participant

Captain Erin Williams

Commanding Officer, USCG Activities Far East, United States Coast Guard, United States, 2022

alumnae participant

Captain Kelly Williamson

Director General Coordination, Strategic Joint Staff, Royal Canadian Navy, Canada, 2023

alumnae participant

Colonel Danielle Willis

Commander 93 Air Ground Operations Wing, United States Air Force, United States, 2021

alumnae participant

Colonel Elise Vahramian

Fleets Manager Deputy in Land System Maintenance Directorate (SIMMT), French Army, France, 2023

home members
home members