By chipping away at China’s sense of its own invincibility, we can gradually change the climate that also encourages Beijing to believe it can take hostages, like the two Michaels, with impunity. As China ramps up the pressure on democracies across the world—throwing in the recent Stalinist-era denunciation of…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, DC — HFX today invited President Biden and democratic leaders everywhere to endorse #StandTogetherOnChina, its new initiative that encourages all democracies to coordinate their efforts to meet the challenge from China. “Over the past little while, authoritarians have put forward alternative forms of government that, they…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC – HFX today announced that the 13th Halifax International Security Forum will take place November 19-21, 2021 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Forum is the preeminent annual gathering of the world’s democratic decision-makers in the political, military, media and business spheres. “We have every confidence…
On Giving Tuesday, we at HFX are turning to our community to ask for help in amplifying the critical message of the just-published HFX China Handbook, and its Principles. To support our work and the 7 HFX China Principles, please consider giving $8 dollars. These Principles are: IGNORING CHINA’S ATTEMPTS…
华盛顿特区 — HFX 今天发起了一项筹款活动,以提高人们对其新发布的、将在全世界范围内推广的 HFX 中国原则的认识和支持。请访问。 “请支持 7/8 运动,传达您反对中国不断破坏民主的坚定决心,”HFX 总裁 Peter Van Praagh 表示。“我们呼吁所有支持民主的人为我们的活动捐款 8 美元。” HFX 中国原则可在《民主国家手册,中国与民主国家:伟大的博弈》中找到。 HFX 中国原则: 民主世界承诺保护自己不受下列破坏其价值观和生活方式的做法的损害: 无视中国干涉民主社会的企图; 把与中华人民共和国有关的观点、著作、艺术作品或声明(无论是否批评)提交进行审查、合作或参与审查或自我审查; 参与任何帮助中共压迫本国人民的商业或技术相关活动或 交流; 忽视反对中华人民共和国建立全球互联网治理和技术标准、使其与自己的专制价值观和野心保持一致的企图; 支持或者参与对任何批评中国的人进行任何形式的惩罚、制裁; 不支持世界各地面临中华人民共和国压力和恐吓的民主人士和政府; 明知是用强迫劳动制造的,或者是由于伪造、盗窃知识产权等犯罪活动产生的中国产或服务,而进行这些产品或服务的购买或交易。 2020 年 Halifax 国际安全论坛将于 11 月 20 日至 22 日举行,届时会有一个全体小组讨论,题目也叫“中国与民主国家:伟大的博弈”。它将在 上进行现场直播。 — 30 — 如有媒体垂询,请联系: 沟通经理 Robin MacLachlan Halifax 国际安全论坛 其他垂询请发送至